Tag Archives: Housekeeping

No post for you!

Had to bail a friend out of jail at 5am this morning. Nothing serious, just being drunk and dumb.


NaBloPoMo! Wait…wha?!?!

The name is weird, the idea isn’t that weird. It stands for National Blog Posting Month and the epicenter of the whole shebang is over here. Basically you sign up at that page and promise to post at least once a day for the entire month of November. I tried last year with a similar concept but I didn’t quite make it.

So I will be posting each day this month, please stop by, read my posts hopefully make a comment or two! Thanks!

NaBloPoMo Lolcat

New addition to the family

Sorry if I seem bleary eyed and tired. We just got a puppy. Luckily she slept until 6:15 this morning. Seriously, it is like having a dog child model in the house. She looks exactly like the baby Goldens you see on greeting cards and stuff like that. This is when her new mommy picked her up.

Welcome to our world!

Well, we’ve been a bit slow to get started here. Basically this will be a blog which will be aimed at folks who are somewhat technical, but maybe not quite up to the level of being a techie. Do your non technical friends think you are a computer genius while you geek friends are not impressed with your skills? Do people ask you to fix your computer but you usually end up sort of guessing (and getting it right) on how to do it?

We will also focus on iPod and MP3 related issues, Open Source/free software, web culture, explaining (what the heck is) Web 2.o and just general cool/interesting/ridiculous/useful/fun things found on the web.

Hope you enjoy your time here!

Hello world!

Hey check it out, I have a blog. Cool.